Cookie Letters Font Average ratng: 7,5/10 7489 reviews

I thought I would share with everyone how I get the fonts on my cakes. I came up with this technique because my hands are so shaky when I write and I could never get the words in a straight line!
First, you can go to and and download free popular fonts. I have used Disney fonts and other TV and Movie fonts from these 2 sites.
Using Word, print out the size and style of font you want to use on the cake.
Then trace it with a black sharpie so you can see it from the flip side.
Tape the paper onto a cookie sheet printed side down so you can see the font backwards.
Tape a piece of wax paper on top of the font.
Trace the backwards letters with buttercream icing.
Place in the freezer for 10 minutes or until hard.
Take it out of the freezer, lift up the wax paper and place it on the cake where you want it to be. Make sure the icing on the cake is soft enough to make an impression.
Lightly press the frozen letters onto the cake to make an impression.
Lift the wax paper and letters off the cake.
Trace the impression left on the cake with buttercream.
Sometimes when you peel the wax paper away, some of the letters may stick to the cake. X men 2000 full movie download in hindi. But you can either take them off or pipe around them.
Pirates of the caribbean 4. I hope this helps!